M43 - this image cropped and reduced from the original photo

M43 is actually a part of the Great Orion Nebula, M42, which is separated from the main nebula by an impressive, turbulent dark lane. It was first reported by de Mairan in 1731 as a "brilliance surrounding a star". The diffuse nebula M43 surrounds a young  variable star of magnitude 6.5-7.6.  M43 is excited to shine by this star and several others that form a separate small cluster of stars in this part of the Orion nebula.

10" F6.3 Schmidt Cassegrain telescope, Canon 300D at prime focus
5 pictures taken at ISO 200, 2 at ISO 1600, 1 at ISO 800, all at 30 sec exposure
Aligned and combined the above then \ brightness and contrast were enhanced