M-42 The Great Orion Nebula

The Great Orion Nebulae. The biggest, brightest, most spectacular Deep Space Object (DSO) out there. And it is a "Wow". It is one of those things that comes out of the camera WAY better than your eye can see. Visually it is a rather blah hazy fairly bright piece of fluff. But what appears in the LCD is a Wow! It's tough to get a really good picture of M42 because of the contrast of the bright central stars compared to the nebulous interstellar gasses. I took a lot of pictures over the course of 2 years, and this is the best of my attempts. It can be found in the sword of the winter constellation of Orion. It can be seen with binoculars and a photograph of the the constellation without any magnification will show it.

8" F10 Schmidt Cassegrain Telescope, 40mm eyepiece, Canon G2, 1.8x
10 at ISO 400, 4 at ISO 50, 3 at ISO 100, all at F2.2, 15 sec
Combined the above exposures then \ brightness and contrast were enhanced