
A green aurora crown over an evergreen tree. Maybe there were some woodland fairies resting under it at the time?

There is something indescribable about Aurora, and for some time I couldn't quite understand why there was this feeling? I wonder if it's because there is no sound. They can be pulsing or shooting across the sky or be a dull glow arching along the northern horizon. They can be wafting gently, or rippling in curtains, or flaming like the fires of the gods, but there's not a sound. No hissing, no swishing, no crackling, no throbbing, no wind - no accompanying sound that would be of equivalent size and grandeur. Just a giant three dimensional show that's as hauntingly silent and awesome as outer space..

Hand held. Taken from my back porch
Canon G2, 15 sec, ISO 400, F2.0