
The most delightful photos come from taking pictures of the aurora. A digital camera seems to bring out the colors so much better than what the eye can see. It's just awesome to see the results appear in the LCD. This was taken off my porch, hand held for 15sec. It was pretty awesome to see how they were lighting up the clouds that happened to be there. I am anxious to take one held steady on a tripod.

In the legends of northern peoples the aurora are almost always described in ways that are as familiar and friendly as the aurora themselves. Although this aurora was brighter than normal, it was as gentle and serene as it commonly is. I particularly like the Ojibwa legends that say they are the reflected glow of our creator's home fire reminding us that he is there and always will be. That reminds me of the rainbow of Christian legend.

Canon G2, F2.0, 15sec, ISO 400